Puerto Rico

The Importance of Clean Shoes

When thinking about elegance, people is inclined to think about exclusive brands and expensive items.  Of course these two absolutely engage with elegance at certain point, but it takes more to create an elegant image.  

In this post I will be sharing a simple step to start feeling elegant.


As simple as it sounds to keep your shoes clean equals wearing the right accessories.  That is why I almost fainted when a new fashion pretended to make look cool the use of dirty shoes.  An interesting fact that I have noticed in recent events I have been participating, is that people look at you starting from the feet to your head.  

Which means people are indeed looking at your shoes. 

The reason why I decided to make this my first blog post is because, becoming elegant does not have to be overwhelming.  Starting with little things such as keeping your shoes neat is all you need to start your journey towards a new image.  A brand or how expensive they are does not matter as much as the way they look.

The amount of people that gets too comfortable with walking in dirty shoes is unbelievable.  It is not about "dirty shoes paranoia", but at least one should have a cleaning schedule for shoes just like we have a schedule for house cleaning.  I personally take a look of my shoes every other day and clean if necessary.  This is to have peace of mind and also because you want to be "ready to go" to any occasion.

Why are we denying attention to shoes? It is because they are in direct contact with dirt often? Well, in my opinion that is a lazy belief.  I personally like to say that the way you take care of your shoes, is exactly how you walk trough life.  I believe that implementing simple hygiene habits such as maintaining your shoes clean, is the beginning to walk in elegance.

How often do you clean your shoes?

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